BR Interactive Quick Drive Instructions
The only GWR locos included with the required routes are the Halls. However many third party products are supported.
SSS have 'Falmouth' Pannier Sound+Expansion packs. You need both: Sound and
Quick Drive Menu Page Starting Points
'Interactive' Drive names are prefixed 'i' and grouped at bottom of QD menu list.
The Starting Point code indicates a possible train type in the 'WRJL GW Consists' QD category:
GW Gds0 - Goods Loco Only.
GW Gds1 - Longish goods train
GW Gds2 - Shorter, local goods train
GW Gds3 - Short goods for a branch line
GW Pas0 - Passenger Loco Only
GW Pas1 - Express train
GW Pas2 - Stopping train
GW Pas3 - Branch passenger 1 or 2 autocoach/coach
Screenshots of drivable 'WRJL GWR Consists'
GW Gds0123
GW Pas0,1,2,3
Links for any payware suggested below are at the bottom of Manual page
Included stock from 'WRJL BR(W) Consists': 'BR Gds0Pas0 57xx Pannier Loco only EK'
Suggested payware trains from 'WRJL GWR Consists':
'GW Pas0Gds0 51xx Large Prairie VW Loco' requires Victory Works Large Prairie from Steam
'GW Gds0Pas0 57xx Pannier GWR VW Loco Only' requires Victory Works Pannier Pack from Steam
'GW Gds0 57xx Great Western Fal SSS' requires Steam Sounds Supreme Sound+Livery packs
From Aylesbury Shed, Reverse out onto the Down Main Line.
Stop beyond the crossover points at 'Aylesbury north down main 1'
Forward into the Up Platform and Stop beyond the Yard Entry and then Reverse in.
Further wagons are accessible behind the shed however the default task is to take the covered vans and brakevan from the Goods Shed and collect further vans along the way.
Forward through the station and on to the Princes Risborough Branch.
Stopping at yards is optional but if you do then you must shunt your entire train into the yard as the main line points do not reset after exiting.
Option At Princes Risborough, Stop beyond the entrance to 'PR Cattle Dock Siding' for siding access.
Here you would need to attach behind the brakevan then re-marshall in the main yard.
Continue to stop beyond the Yard entrance at 'Risboro Yard REVERSE' then Reverse into the Yard.
Park the brakevan and add some more vans.
Option at West Wycombe. Drive through the station and Stop clear at 'West Wycombe Up Yard Entrance REVERSE' for yard access.
Option at High Wycombe North Yard. Stop beyond points at 'HW N.Yd Up entrance REVERSE' for yard access
Beyond the Station, Stop clear of HW South Yard entrance cross-over then Reverse into the Yard.
You Must visit this yard to be routed onto the Maidenhead Branch after exiting.
Option at Loudwater. Stop beyond the points at 'Loudwater Yard REVERSE' for yard access.
Option at Wooburn Green. Stop beyond the points at 'Wooburn Green Yard REVERSE' for yard access.
Option at Bourne End. After the station, Stop beyond the points at 'Bourne End Yard REVERSE' for yard access.
Option at Maidenhead. Stop beyond the token hook for yard access.
Pass through Taplow Station and Stop beyond the points at 'Taplow Up Yard Enterance REVERSE' then reverse into Siding 3 to end.
Possible payware option: 'GW Gds0 30xx ROD Weathered Loco Only CW' from Caledonia Wks
Leave Banbury Engine Shed.Go via the station to stop at 'Ban Jct Gds Line Dn Yard REVERSE'.
Reverse into 'Ban Junct Old Down Siding5'.
Drive to Stratford on Avon and stop in the goods loop before the station.
1 Ban Jct Gds Line Dn Yard REVERSE
2 Ban Junct Old Down Siding5
3 Stratford Water Down Goods
Reverse from the Engine Shed, south, to wagons in Hinksey North Yard Siding 9. Optional shunting
Return north through Oxford and Banbury along various goods running lines.
Stop at 'Ban Jnct Dn Goods2.REVERSE' and Reverse into 'Ban Junct Old Down Siding3' and Uncouple.
Drive out across the tracks to Stop at 'Ban Jct Main Dn Yard REVERSE'.
Reverse along the Up Goods Line bypassing the station.
Enter the Engine Shed area and stop on 'Ban Shed Ash Line 4 ' to end.
1.Hinksey Yard Siding 9
2a.Ban Jnct Dn Goods2.REVERSE
3 Banbury Old Down Yard Entrance
4 Ban Jct Main Dn Yard REVERSE
5 Ban Shed Ash Line 4
Possible payware options
'GW Gds0 Collett 0-6-0 P1__Loco Only.' from SSS
'GW Gds0 43xx 2-6-0 Mogul Green' from DT
'GW Pas0Gds0 51xx Large Prairie VW Loco' from Victory Wks
Drive from Oxford Shed to Hinksey South Yard.
Pass signals, probably stuck, at the end of 'Hinksey Up Reception'.
Stop beyond the Yard Entry points where the shunting staff are waiting.
Reverse in and couple up to a rake of wagons.
Check there is a Brakevan is attached.
Approach Newbury station on the down platform line.
Stop beyond the points at 'Newbury Dn Relief - East Loop REVERSE'
Reverse into 'Newbury East Loop Down 4' to end.
1 Hinksey South Exit REVERSE
2 Newbury Dn Relief - East Loop REVERSE
3 Newbury East Loop Down 4
Payware option: 'GW Gds0/Pas0 51xx Large Prairie Loco Only VW'
Reverse west out of the Loco Shed area.
Cross the main lines, into 'Reading New Up Yard Siding3' and collect wagons.
Drive to 'Taplow Up Yard Entrance REVERSE' and Reverse into 'Taplow Up Siding 2' to end.
1 Reading New Up Yard Siding3 COUPLE
2 Taplow Up Yard Entrance REVERSE
3 Taplow Up Siding 2
Payware option: 'GW Gds0/Pas0 51xx Large Prairie Loco Only VW'
'GW Gds0 57xx 0-6-0 Pannier P1__Loco Only Fal-SSS'
Drive forward from the Shed. Join the Down Relief and stop at 'Reading ML 1 Down Relief 4' by a line of old sleepers.
Reverse passed a stuck signal and stop at 'Reading ML Down Relief 1' by a line of old sleepers.
Forward along the ladder crossover and stop at 'Reading M Pilot Line 0 REVERSE' on leaving it.
Reverse along the Pilot line into Old Up Yard. There are wagons ready in Siding 1. Shunting option.
Drive out onto the Up Goods line to Twyford.
Option: Stop beyond the Yard entrance at 'Twyford Up Relief Yard REVERSE' and Reverse in to shunt.
Option: Stop beyond the Yard entrance at 'Maidenhead Yard Up REVERSE' and Reverse in to shunt.
Stop at 'Taplow Up Yard Entrance REVERSE' and Reverse into 'Taplow Up Siding 2' to end.
02 Reading ML 1 Down Relief 4 REVERSE
03 Reading ML Down Relief 1 REVERSE
04 Reading M Pilot Line 0 REVERSE
05 Reading Old Up Yard Entry
06 Twyford Up Relief Yard REVERSE
07 Twyford Up Yard Entrance
08 Maidenhead Yard Up REVERSE
09 Maidenhead Yard Up Entry
10 Taplow Up Yard Entrance REVERSE
11 Taplow Up Siding 2
Drive forward from the Shed and through Scours Lane Sidings.
Stop at 'Scours Lane Sidings Entrance REVERSE' and reverse onto a line of wagons. Check Brakevan attached .
Option: Beyond Didcot Station, stop at 'Didcot Centre Yard REVERSE'. Collect the wagons from 'Didcot Centre Yard Siding5 North'.
Stop on 'Hinksey North Shunting Spur'.
Change points and Reverse into an empty siding and uncouple.
Drive forward via station and enter Engine Shed area.
Stop at 'OX Shed west Coal Stage approach REVERSE' and change points behind.
Reverse to 'Oxford Shed West Fuel Coal' to end.
1 Scours Lane Sidings Entrance REVERSE
2 Didcot Centre Yard REVERSE
3 Hinksey North Shunting Spur
4 OX Shed west Coal Stage approach REVERSE
5 Oxford Shed West Fuel Coal
Alternative: Collect the empty 'Loco Coal' wagons and extract other empty coal wagons from Stratford and other yards and take to Leamington.
Reverse out of Stratford Shed line and Stop beyond the points which you need to change.
Tab for the signal then Forward to 'Stratford East Down Siding'
Reverse to'Stratford Cattle Dock Siding' stopping beyond the points.
Forward onto the Up Main Line and pass the water tower.
Stop beyond the next points at 'Stratford East Up 3'
Reverse across the main lines to 'Stratford Yd Approach' and check the manual points are set to your wagons in 'Stratford Yd Milage Siding 1'
Couple to Brakevan.
Alternatively you could shunt the yard as you wish but DO NOT leave the guard behind!
Drive out onto the Up Main Line.
You can miss out any yards and the game will continue to cooperate.
Option: Stop at 'Wilmcote Yard Up Entry REVERSE' and collect wagons from the yard.
Option: Stop at 'Bearley Up Platform' and Reverse into yard and collect wagons.
Option: Stop at 'Warwick Cold Store Up' and Reverse into yard and collect wagons.
Option: Stop at 'Warwick Sta Up 2a' beyond the points then Reverse into 'Warwick Cape Yard'
and collect wagons from 'Warwick Cape Yard Siding 5'.You have access to most of the sidings there.
Option: Stop at 'Warwick Coventry Rd Yard Entrance up' and Reverse in to collect wagons from 'Warwick Coventry Rd Shed Siding 2'
Turn into Leamington Yard and Stop clear of the points beyond the signalbox at 'Leamington Up Goods 2'
Reverse into 'Leamington Up (Top) Siding1' and uncouple.
Drive behind the station and on to Leamington Engine Shed to end at 'Leam Shed Coal/Ash pit'
01 Stratford Shed Head Shunt REVERSE
02 Stratford East Down Siding REVERSE
03 Stratford Cattle Dock Siding REVERSE
04 Stratford East Up 3 REVERSE
05 Stratford Yd Approach
06 Wilmcote Yard Up Entry REVERSE
07 Bearley Up Platform REVERSE
08 Warwick Cold Store Up REVERSE
09 Warwick Sta Up 2a REVERSE
10 Warwick Coventry Rd Yard Entrance up REVERSE
11 Leamington Up Goods 2 REVERSE
12 Leamington Up (Top) S1 S2 Entrance
13 Leam Shed Coal/Ash pit
Option to shunt before leaving Hinksey.
1 Moreton Reception 1
2 Moreton Up Exit/ Entrance REVERSE
3 Moreton Cutting 3 - Hayes
Southern Railways goods trains reached Oxford
Suggested- Included: GW Gds2 Hall 23x Mixed K9
Payware option: 'GW Gds1 SR Q1 Black +17 Mixed VW CW_GP K9' requires VW Q1 VW -Steam, CaleWks Grouping Van Pk
'GW Gds1 SR S15 Black +18 Mixed BMG CW_GP K9' requires BMG S15 -Steam, CaleWks Grouping Van Pk
'GW Gds1 SR U Class unlined green 23xVans CW U, GVP, SR_Pk2' requires CaleWks U Class, Grouping Van Pk, SR Pk2
Start on the Southern's approach to Reading from Redhill and take the old goods connection via the GW station.
Optionally stop at 'Rdg Main Dn Old Down Yard REVERSE'.This is by a line of sleepers just beyond Reading West Junction and before the signalbox.
Reverse into Reading Old Down Yard and drop off some wagons.
Continue down the Main line then via Scours Lane Sidings, probable stuck/late RH junct signal, and cross to Down Relief lines at Twyford.
Go via Didcot to Oxford's Hinksey North Sidings
Leave your wagons in the Reception Line or Reverse into one of the Hinksey North Sidings.
Drive through Oxford and across the Engine Shed area.
Stop at 'OX Shed west Coal Stage approach REVERSE'., near man by hut
Change the points behind and Reverse down to the 'Oxford Shed West Fuel Coal' to end.
1 Rdg Main Dn Old Down Yard REVERSE
2 Hinksey North Shunting Spur
3 OX Shed west Coal Stage approach REVERSE
4 Oxford Shed West Fuel Coal
Drive through Didcot and Reading to stop at 'Taplow Up Yard Entrance REVERSE' to end in 'Taplow Up Siding 2'.
1 Moreton Up Goods Loop 3
2 Reading M Up Goods 2
3 Taplow Up Yard Entrance REVERSE
4 Taplow Up Siding 2
Option: Stop at 'Rdg West New Down Yard REVERSE' and reverse into 'Reading New Down Yard Siding1'.
Option: Stop at 'Hinksey North Shunting Spur' and shunt in the sidings behind
Option: Stop at 'Banbury S Down Goods5 REVERSE' and shunt the 2 'Banbury South Down Sidings' near the Engine Shed.
Option: Stop at 'Leamington Down Siding'. You can Reverse into 'Leamington Down Bay Approach' and/or use manual points along the Down Siding.
Stop at 'Lapworth Down Goods2' to end.
1a Rdg West New Down Yard REVERSE
1b Reading New Down Yard Siding1
3 Reading West Goods Down 1
4 Hinksey North Shunting Spur
5 Banbury S Down Goods5 REVERSE
6 Leamington Down Siding
8 Lapworth Down Goods2
Leave Newbury Yard (shunt possible) for the Didcot, Newbury and Southampton line north.
Pass through Didcot Station and stop beyond the points at 'Didcot Centre Yard REVERSE'
Reverse into 'Didcot Centre Yard Siding5 North'.
1 Didcot Centre Yard REVERSE
2 Didcot Centre Yard Siding5 North
Option: Loco only and choose wagons before leaving Hinksey Yard.
Drive north through Oxford and on to the 'Old Worse and Worse' to Yarnton Sidings.
Uncouple brakevan then wagons, run round, collect the other wagons, add your brakevan and return through Oxford station.
Stop at 'Ox S.Yd Entrance REVERSE', before the river and gas works.
Reverse into 'OX South Yard Siding12 approach' to end.
1 Yarnton Reception Siding
2 Ox S.Yd Entrance REVERSE
3 OX South Yard Siding12 approach
Optional Loco only and shunt at Hinksey Yard.
Optional 'Littlemore Signalbox Siding REVERSE' and shunt oil and sand pit sidings.
Optional 'Littlemore Yard Up REVERSE' to shunt yard. No locos to cross wagon turntable.
Optional 'Cowley East yards entrance REVERSE' to shunt yard.
Wheatley and Thame yards would not cooperate. Having 2 entrances probably
Optional 'Risboro Yard REVERSE'
Optional 'West Wycombe Up Yard Entrance REVERSE'
Optional 'HW N.Yd Up Entrance REVERSE'
Stop beyond station at 'HW Up Thru 3 REVERSE' and Reverse into 'HW South Siding 3' to end.
01 Littlemore Signalbox Siding REVERSE
02 Littlemore Yard Up REVERSE
03 Cowley East yards entrance REVERSE
07 Risboro Yard REVERSE
08 West Wycombe Up Yard Entrance REVERSE
09 HW N.Yd Up Entrance REVERSE
10.HW Up Thru 3 REVERSE
11.HW South Siding 3
Optional stop at 'HW N.Yd Down Entrance REVERSE', beyond the station, and Reverse into 'HW North Yard Reception Siding1'.
Stop at 'Hinksey North Shunting Spur' and set the points behind into an empty siding.
Reverse, uncouple then drive to Oxford Engine Shed area.
Stop at 'OX Shed west Coal Stage approach' and change the points behind.
Reverse to Stop at 'Oxford Shed West Fuel Coal' to end.
1 HW N.Yd Down Entrance REVERSE
2 HW North Yard Reception Siding1
3 Hinksey Down Reception Line
4 Hinksey North Shunting Spur
5 OX Shed west Coal Stage approach
6 Oxford Shed West Fuel Coal
Select a short goods GW Gds3, or a loco only GW Gds0, a Pannier or 48xx/14xx and shunt the yard
Tender/bunker towards Oxford.
Payware option: 'GW Gds3 57xx reversed + short goods VW' requires VW Pannier from Steam
'GW Gds3 48xx Reversed 4 xmixed wagons VW 14xx K9' requires VW 14xx Pack from Steam
'GW Gds0Pas0 48xx (14xx) Reversed P1 Loco Only' requires VW 14xx Pack from Steam
Drive from Woodstock to just beyond Oxford Goods Shed at 'Ox S.Yd Entrance REVERSE' then Reverse into 'OX South Yard Siding6' to end.
1 Ox S.Yd Entrance REVERSE
2 OX South Yard Siding6
Requires a 57xx or 48xx/14xx with Autocoach.
Payware option: 'GW Pas3 57xx Pannier +1 Autocoach VW Pannier 14xx' requires Victory Works Pannier and 14xx Packs.
'GW Pas3 48xx (14xx) +1 Autocoach VW' -requires Victory Works 14xx Pack
Included stock only: BR Pas3 57xx BR1 1x BSet Brake Carmine EK DT_WRJL'
After stopping at 'Bourne End Down Platform' drive from the other end to 'Maidenhead Bay'
1 Bourne End Down Plat REVERSE
2 Maidenhead Bay
Needs a Pannier or 48xx/14xx with Autocoach.
Payware option: 'GW Pas3 57xx Pannier +1 Autocoach VW Pannier 14xx' requires Victory Works Pannier and 14xx Packs.
'GW Pas3 48xx (14xx) +1 Autocoach VW' -requires Victory Works 14xx Pack
Included stock only: 'BR Pas3 57xx BR1 1x BSet Brake Carmine EK DT_WRJL'
Drive to Cholsey Bay, change ends and return to Wallingford.
Wallingford Main Line 1
1 Cholsey Bay Platform
Wallingford Main Line 1
2 Cholsey and return to Wallingford Platform
BR Interactive Quick Drive Instructions