GWR Interactive Quick Drive Instructions
Quick Drive Menu Page Starting Points
'Interactive' Drive names are prefixed 'i' and grouped at bottom of QD menu list.
The Starting Point code indicates a possible train type in the 'WRJL BR Consists' QD category:
BR Gds0 - Goods Loco Only.
BR Gds1 - Longish goods train
BR Gds2 - Shorter, local goods train
BR Gds3 - Short goods for a branch line
BR Pas0 - Passenger Loco Only
BR Pas1 - Express train
BR Pas2 - Stopping train
BR Pas3 - Branch passenger 1 or 2 autocoach/coach
Screenshots of drivable 'WRJL BR Consists'
BR Gds0
BR Gds1
BR Gds2,3
BR Pas0,1,2,3
Links for any payware suggested below are at the bottom of Manual page
Possible payware:
'BR Gds0 72xx 2-8-0 Tank (Worn, Curved, Scuttle), 1950-56 Loco Only' requires VW 42/72xx from Steam or SSS
'BR Gds0 WD 2-8-0 worn Loco Only' requires VW WD 2-8-0 from SSS
'BR Gds0 28xx 2-8-0 weathered Loco Only' from SSS
'BR Gds0 9F BR2 Weathered Loco only' from DTG/Steam +SSS:reskin
'BR Gds0 30xx 2-8-0 ROD weathered Loco Only' from Caledonia Wks
Stop at Banbury Shed exit and TAB for permission to join the main line.
Stop at 'Ban Jct Gds Line Dn Yard REVERSE' and reverse in to collect a Brakevan.
Stop at 'Ban Iron Goods Down3', Reverse into the Ironstone sidings and get wagons.
Drive north and pass behind Leamington Station on the goods line.
Stop beyond the points at 'Warwick Sta Down 2A REVERSE'.
Reverse onto the Banker (random) loco and couple up.
Climb Hatton Bank, pass around the curve after the Station and uncouple the Banker beyond 'Hatton North Signal Box'.
Stop behind the station at 'Lapworth Down Goods1' to end.
1 Ban Jct Gds Line Dn Yard REVERSE
2 Ban Iron Goods Down3
3 Oxon Ironstone Private Siding1
4 Leamington Down Siding
5 Warwick Sta Down 2A REVERSE
6 Hatton North Down Main 2 UNCOUPLE BANKER
7 Lapworth Down Goods1
Reverse from Banbury Shed around the station into Banbury North Up Yard.
Couple wagons in Ban Hump Line 9, Siding 2 or else shunt.
Drive via Oxford and continue to Moreton Sidings beyond Didcot.
Stop at 'Moreton Up Exit/ Entrance REVERSE' beyond Moreton Sidings
Reverse into 'Moreton Siding 2' to end.
1c Ban Hump Line 9
2 Moreton Reception 1
3 Moreton Up Exit/ Entrance REVERSE
4 Moreton Siding 2
Reverse out of Oxford Shed to wagons in 'Hinksey North Siding 9'
Drive to 'Ban Jnct Dn Goods2.REVERSE' and Reverse into 'Ban Junct Old Down Siding3' to end.
1.Hinksey Yard Siding 9
2a.Ban Jnct Dn Goods2.REVERSE
2b.Ban Junct Old Down Siding3
Possible payware:
'BR Gds0 Dean Goods Loco Only' from DT
'BR Gds0 43xx Plain Black Loco Only DT' from DT
Forwards out of Reading Shed.
Stop at 'Scours Lane Sidings Entrance REVERSE'.
Reverse onto wagons in 'Scours Lane Siding4'
Drive to Hinksey North Yard and Stop at 'Hinksey North Shunting Spur'
Change points behind into 'Hinksey North Siding 9' (by the man) and Reverse in to end.
1 Scours Lane Sidings Entrance REVERSE
1c Scours Lane Siding5
2 Hinksey Down Reception Line
3 Hinksey North Shunting Spur
4 Hinksey North Siding 9
Suggested- Included: 'BR Gds2 Grange weathered BR1 +22 Mixed D'
Payware: 'BR Gds1 SR S15 Black +22 mixed BMG CW_GVP' requires BMG S15 Steam, CaleW Grouping Van Pk
'BR Gds1 SR Bulleid Q1 BR1 weathered +17 mixed VW CW_GP' requires VW Bulleid Q1 Steam, CaleW Grouping Van Pk
Cross the main GWR lines and pass behind Reading station
Option: stop at 'Rdg West New Down Yard REVERSE' (by a line of sleepers) and reverse into Reading New Down Yard and drop off some wagons.
Go via Didcot to Oxford's Hinksey North Sidings
Leave your wagons in the Reception Line or Reverse into one of Hinksey North Sidings.
Drive through Oxford and across the Engine Shed area.
Stop at 'OX Shed west Coal Stage approach REVERSE'., near man by hut
Change the points behind and Reverse down to the 'Oxford Shed West Fuel Coal' to end.
1 Rdg West New Down Yard REVERSE
2 Hinksey North Shunting Spur
2u Hinksey North Siding 9
3 OX Shed west Coal Stage approach REVERSE
4 Oxford Shed West Fuel Coal
Included stock: 'BR Gds1 Hall 30x 16T Empty Mineral Wagons EK WH'
Some payware options:
BR Gds1 2884 BR1 weathered 30x 27T Ironore unfitted empty SSS,MW_MinPk2 requires 2884-SSS, UK Mineral Wagon Pk-SteamMP
'BR Gds1 51xx BR1 weathered 20x 16T coal unfitted empty VW MW_CoalPk' requires VW Large Prairie -Steam, UK Coal Pk-Steam Mkt
'BR Gds1 72xx 20x 16T Empty Mineral Wagons WH' requires VW 72xx
At 'Ban Iron Private Sidings appr' reverse into 'Ban Iron Down Siding1' and uncouple.
Drive the loco behind Banbury Station to the Shed and stop at 'Ban Shed Ash Line 4'
1 Ban Iron Private Sidings appr REVERSE
2u Ban Iron Down Siding1 UNCOUPLE
3 Ban Shed Ash Line 4
Option: Stop at '1a Rdg West New Down Yard REVERSE' and reverse into 'Reading New Down Yard Siding1'.
Option: Stop at 'Hinksey North Shunting Spur' and shunt in the sidings behind
Option: Stop at 'Banbury S Down Goods5 REVERSE' and shunt the 2 Sidings near the Engine Shed.
Option: Stop at 'Leamington Down Siding'. You can Reverse into 'Leamington Down Bay Approach' and/or use manual points along the Down Siding.
Stop at 'Lapworth Down Goods2' to end.
1 Rdg West New Down Yard REVERSE
2 Hinksey North Shunting Spur
3 Banbury S Down Goods5 REVERSE
4 Leamington Down Siding
5 Lapworth Down Goods2
Option: Loco only and shunt at Banbury
Tab to leave Yard.
Drive from Banbury Hump Yard to stop at 'Moreton Up Entrance REVERSE'.
Reverse into 'Moreton Siding 2'
1 Moreton Up Goods Loop 3
2 Moreton Up Entrance REVERSE
3 Moreton Siding 2
Stop at 'Hinksey Up Reception' and Reverse into 'Hinksey S Siding 13' to end.
1 Hinksey Up Reception
2 Hinksey S No.1 Spur
3 Hinksey S Siding 13
Select a train or loco only, variable stock available.
Go beyond Moreton Sidings and Stop at 'Moreton Up Exit/ Entrance REVERSE'
Reverse into the Yard, Siding 1 is set. Manual points and other stock. No specific task.
Stop at 'Rdg West New Up Yard REVERSE' and reverse into 'Reading New Up Yard Siding2' to end.
1 Moreton Reception 1
2 Moreton Up Exit/ Entrance REVERSE
3 Moreton Siding 1
4 Rdg West New Up Yard REVERSE
5 Reading New Up Yard Siding2
Option: at Cowley Reverse into 'Cowley Up Reception 1' and shunt.
Beyond High Wycombe Station, Stop at 'HW Up Thru 3'.
Reverse into 'HW South Siding 3' to end.
1.Cowley Up Reception 1 SHUNT?
2.Thame Up Platform
3.HW Up Thru 3 REVERSE
4.HW South Siding 3
Uncouple wagons at 'Ban Hump Rcpt Sdg5 UNCOUPLE'.
Drive behind Banbury Station to stop at Banbury Shed 'Ban Shed Ash Line 4' to end.
1 Leamington Up Goods 3
2u Ban Hump Rcpt Sdg5 UNCOUPLE
3 Ban Shed Ash Line 4
A Pannier was the usual loco but a J15 (from SSS) was trialled for a short time in 1958
Included stock:
'BR Gds3 57xx +7 Mixed+Van D''
'BR Gds3 57xx +10 xCoal Wagons EK K9'
Payware option:
'BR Gds3 J15 short gds (Watlington Branch 1958-no logo) SSS+WW patch' -J15 from SSS +'Unbranded' patch from Wayside Works
Select a loco only, BR Gds0 or a short goods BR Gds3.
There are goods and coal wagons at Princes Risborough.
Possible tasks: take coal wagons to Chinnor Cement or visit yards along the branch.
The game will continue until you go to your selected destination.
A Chinnor Cement private Siding2
B Watlington Coal Stage
Included stock. Loco faced Watlington:
'BR Gds3 57xx Pannier reversed + short goods D'
'BR Gds0/Pas0 57xx Pannier Loco only Reversed EK'
1 Princes Risborough Bypass Line
2 Princes Risborough Yard Loop
3 PR Goods Shed Siding 2
Reverse from the Shed and Couple to coaches at Banbury Up Platform.
Drive via Oxford Station to Didcot Oxford Branch Platform
1 Banbury Up Plat-GET COACHES
2 Oxford Up Platform
3 Didcot Oxford Branch Platform
Some payware options:
'BR Pas3 54xx Pannier BR1 1x Autocoach A38 Crim+Cream' -requires Victory Works Pannier Pack from Steam.
BR Pas3 14xx 1x AutoCoach VW -requires Victory Works 14xx Pack from Steam.
Included stock only: 'BR Pas3 57xx BR1 1x BSet Brake Carmine EK DT_WRJL'
Drive to Twyford. Change ends and return to Henley.
1 Twyford -Henley Bay Platform REVERSE
2 Henley Platform 2
Some payware options:
'BR Pas3 54xx Pannier BR1 1x Autocoach A38 Crim+Cream' -requires Victory Works Pannier Pack from Steam.
BR Pas3 14xx 1x AutoCoach VW -requires Victory Works 14xx Pack from Steam.
Included stock only: 'BR Pas3 57xx BR1 1x BSet Brake Carmine EK DT_WRJL'
1 Bourne End Down Plat REVERSE
2 Maidenhead Bay
A Pannier was the normal loco being powerful enough for the Chinnor Cement coal trains..
An Autocoach, though not used as such, was favoured for having retractable steps for use at low platforms on the Branch (where they should operate).
'BR Pas3 54xx Pannier BR1 1x Autocoach A38 Crim+Cream' -requires Victory Works Pannier Pack from Steam.
Included stock only: 'BR Pas3 57xx BR1 1x BSet Brake Carmine EK DT_WRJL'
The Watlington Branch now has manual points (set to the through line) so you can run round at Watlington.
The game will end when you stop at the end of the Risborough bay at 'Princes Risborough West Bay End'.
1 Chinnor.
2 Watlington.
3 Princes Risborough West Bay End.
'BR Pas3 54xx Pannier BR1 1x Autocoach A38 Crim+Cream' -requires Victory Works Pannier Pack from Steam.
BR Pas3 74xx Pannier +Autocoach Thrush maroon VW-requires Victory Works Pannier Pack from Steam.
BR Pas3 14xx 1x AutoCoach VW -requires Victory Works 14xx Pack from Steam.
Included stock only: 'BR Pas3 57xx BR1 1x BSet Brake Carmine EK DT_WRJL'
Drive to 'Twyford Up Relief Plat'
Change ends and drive to Henley.
1 Twyford Up Relief Plat REVERSE
2 Henley Platform 2
GWR Interactive Quick Drive Instructions