Bottom Wood in the Spring!

Track to Bottom Wood from Piddington, Bucks
Bottom Wood is an area managed by the Chiltern Society and is a few miles west of West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.

sheep and lamps
Finding it rather warm.

Track to Bottom Wood from Piddington, Bucks

Bluebells and lamps, near Piddington, Bucks
Bluebells and lambs!

Bluebells near Piddington, Bucks

Track to Bottom Wood from Piddington, Bucks
The path follows a strip of woodland along the valley bottom.

Bluebells near Bottom Wood
Bluebells near Bottom Wood.

Bluebells near Bottom Wood

Bluebells near Bottom Wood

Bluebells near Bottom Wood

Bluebells near Bottom Wood
This was the only white one I saw in this patch.

Bluebells near Bottom Wood

Track near Bottom Wood

Bottom Wood
Bottom Wood.

Bottom Wood

Hare and a rabbit.
Hare and a rabbit.

Near the head of the valley before returning on the other side of the A40.


Munjac deer
This munjac deer, the size of a large dog, crossed ahead of me, climbed the bank then started barking loudly.

Track through the woods

New leaves
Fresh new leaves of different colours.

New leaves
On the track back to Piddington.

The Chiltern Society's home page

